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Haley Olson

Haley Olson

Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, Early Childhood, and Special Education

Dr. Haley Olson is an assistant professor in the Department of Elementary Education/Early Childhood/Special Education at ESU. She currently teaches reading and language arts methods and assessment courses for graduate and undergraduate courses in the instructional specialist program and the Professional Development Schools.

Olson earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Kansas State University and her master's degree in curriculum and instruction in reading subject matter and her master's endorsement in reading specialist and English as a second language. She earned her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in literacy education at the University of Kansas.

As a former elementary school teacher, Olson holds a Kansas Teaching License with qualifications in K-9 elementary, K-9 ESL and PK-12 reading specialist. While teaching in public schools in Kansas, she has had the opportunity to mentor Block 2 students, as well as student teaching interns, in her classroom.

Curriculum Vitae - Haley Olson.pdf