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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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News in 2018

Students to Learn What It Takes to be a Teacher

June 5, 2018 The Teachers College

Kansas high school students will get to experience what it takes to be a teacher at the Kansas Future Teacher Academy in Emporia June 10-14. The academy will consist of 35 students and will be held on the Emporia State University campus.

Three Students Receive Full-Ride Scholarships

June 1, 2018 None

Three students will receive a Virginia Endly Memorial Scholarship for the 2018-19 academic year. The Endly scholarship is a full-ride scholarship offered by the university.

ESU to Honor University Service Citation Winners on Saturday

May 31, 2018 None

Unique and significant contributions to the university and to home community will bring Emporia State University Service Citation Awards to five people on Saturday, June 2 at the university’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon.