2022 Kansas Master Teacher Dr. Scott Waters
Dr. Scott Waters

Dr. Scott Waters
Emporia State University
Following his graduation from college in 1978, Scott Waters began his career as an elementary teacher with Emporia Public Schools. Leaving the public-school classroom in 1981, Scott completed a doctorate from the University of Oregon in Curriculum and Supervision and returned to Emporia Public Schools for a year before joining the faculty of Emporia State University in 1984.
At ESU, he moved from lecturer, to assistant professor, to associate professor, to professor, and served as a Professional Development School Director. During his sabbatical, he spent a year teaching second grade at Faith Academy in Manila, Philippines. He also gave his time and talents and served in the roles of coordinator of the Elementary Education Advising Office, director of the Kansas Future Teacher Academy for 10 years, Director of the Beginning Teacher Seminar for three years, Faculty Athletic Representative for six years and served as Director of the Kansas Master Teacher Program from 1991 to 2004. At each step of this progression, he has infused energy, enthusiasm and excellence into each role he has undertaken. And his passion for teaching, teacher preparation and his advocacy for the teaching profession has never waned.
Waters has been a pillar in the elementary education department for many decades. His leadership in teaching social studies to elementary education students is one that stood strong for years. Many students fondly remember his calm, caring manner in which is taught his classes and supervised interns in the elementary public schools. One of the most memorable roles that Waters played at ESU was the role of the Schoolmaster in the One-Room School House on campus. Frequently, you could find him dressed in shirt tails, a black top hat, and trousers enacting a day in the life of students or teachers in the One Room School House. History came alive when Dr. Waters was teaching. He was active in his service to the department, college, and university during his tenure at ESU. Faculty and students alike enjoyed serving with him on committees, small groups, professional development, and activities.
This award is more than just a “thank you” for his years of support for the Kansas Master Teacher program — although we certainly are grateful for his advocacy, his effort and his guidance — but is a genuine recognition of a dedicated, accomplished and exemplary teacher.