2022 Kansas Master Teacher Andy Battenfield
Andy Battenfield

Andy Battenfield
Kindergarten - Fifth Grade Physical Education Teacher
Village Elementary School
USD 253 Emporia
“Many times throughout my childhood, going to school was the best part of my day. The absolute best part of my school day was PE class,” states Andy Battenfield. “The main reason I teach is so my students have a highlight in their day, as I did as a child.”
Battenfield earned his bachelor’s degree in elementary education in 2003 and his master’s degree in instructional design and technology in 2012, both from Emporia State University. He began his teaching career in 2003 at Emporia Middle School and has been at Village Elementary since 2011.
Leading the way for virtual instruction, Battenfield videoed himself teaching activities at his home for students to enjoy, setting up activity choice boards with several activities, knowing they may or may not be used by online learners. Most importantly, he set up times to simply chat with students online when they were isolated from their friends at school.
He recently used his knowledge on students’ need to move through his work with his school’s Social Emotional Learning committee. Through collaboration, the committee addressed how to meet the needs of students who are dysregulated or need help to get back to a learning state of mind. Now, through the use of space called The LOFT - Learning Our Feelings Together, students can go to regulate. The LOFT features exercise equipment, drawing stations, tactile stations, soothing music, a reading corner with bean bags, and a bed. In addition, every classroom has a regulation station, consisting of many items to use for a short time to get them back to get students back to a learning state of mind. These modifications have helped the school see a major reduction in referrals.
With a goal of building skills to create physically literate students, Battenfield performs physical interventions, just like academic interventions, with the goal of a student mastering a skill they had struggled with.
“I create in my students a love of learning to move. I show my students the fun and creative new ways we can learn to move our bodies all within an engaging environment,” Battenfield says.
“I provide a variety of activities that my students can learn and do throughout their lifetime,” he said. “A lifetime mover is one who will have a healthy life.”