1981 Award Winners
1981 Kansas Master Teachers
Mary Chase, USD 385 Andover
Mary Lou Davis, USD 443 Dodge City
Marguerite Flick, USD 465 Winfield
Don Miller, USD 234 Fort Scott
Deloris Jean Osger, USD 389 Eureka
Chester Peckover, USD 313 Buhler
Byron Smith,USD 361 Anthony-Harper

This program contains the names of the Master Teacher Nominees for the year listed here.
Biographies below were included in the program for the year listed here and were current as of that time.
Mary Chase
English Teacher
Andover High School
USD 385 Andover
Chase has been teaching in Andover since 1959. She taught seventh and ninth grade physical education as well as English for grades 9-12 from 1959-65. She's been teaching English for grades 9-12 since 1965. From 1964-79, she was the English department chairperson. She has been Student Council sponsor since 1965.
A Hutchinson native, Chase received her B.S. degree in physical education in 1941 from Kansas State University. She received her master's degree in secondary education with an English emphasis in 1974 from Wichita State University. She has taken post-graduate work at Pittsburg State University, University of Indiana, Emporia State University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Fort Hays State University.
During her career, Chase has been active in a number of professional and community activities. These include: Kansas Association of Teachers of English, National Education Association, National Council of Teachers of English, Andover Teachers Association, First United Methodist Church, Project Concern-Walk for Mankind, Wichita Charter Story League, and American Association of University Women.
Chase believes an educated person "is not one who can memorize data, but one who has the ability to find and assimilate information, to organize this information, and to think logically in applying the information to the task at hand."
"Both of my daughters had English composition courses with Mary as their instructor," wrote a parent / colleague. "During the course they learned about English grammar, but, more important, they learned how to put their thoughts on paper creatively."
Mary Lou Davis
First Grade Teacher
Central Elementary School
USD 443 Dodge City
Davis has been teaching in Dodge City since 1967. From 1967-69, she taught primary and intermediate trainable mentally retarded children. From 1969-75, she taught primary educable mentally retarded children in Central Elementary School. Since 1975, she has been one of two teachers team -teaching a double class of first graders at Central.
A Dodge City native, Davis received her bachelor of Christian education degree in 1963 from Mid west Christian College. She received her master's degree in elementary and, special education in 1968 from Fort Hays State University. She has done post-graduate work at Fort Hays and Wichita State University.
Davis is a member of several professional organizations, including the Kansas National Education Association, National Education Association, Dodge City NEA, Kansas Association for Retarded Children, National Association for Retarded Citizens, and the Council of Exceptional Children. She is active in the community with the Christian Women's Club, International Reading Association, and the Christian Women's Missionary Society.
"That every child has the opportunity to realize his or her potential - no matter how great or how limited - in an atmosphere of love and security which conveys a feeling of self-worth and importance" has been Davis' philosophy of education since she became a professional educator more than 16 years ago.
"Every person needs to have had a good teacher in his lifetime," wrote one colleague. "Every person who has had Mary Lou Davis as a teacher has had the best."
Marguerite Flick
English Teacher
Winfield High School
USD 465 Winfield
Flick has been teaching English at Winfield since 1964. She also taught at Winfield High from 1947-50. Since 1964, she has taught grades 9, 11 and now 12.
Flick, a Newton native, received her B.A. degree in speech and drama in 1947 from Oklahoma College for Women in Chickasha. She has done graduate work at Wichita State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and Emporia State University.
During her career, Flick has been active in a number of professional and community activities. Some of her professional memberships are in the Winfield National Education Association, Kansas NEA, NEA, and the Kansas Association of Teachers of English. In the community, Flick is active with the P.E.O. Sisterhood, United Methodist Church, and the Winfield Community Theatre.
In 1975-76, she was the Winfield Teacher of the Year and runner-up in the state contest.
"I believe that being an effective teacher entails two passions," Flick said of her teaching philosophy. "Those two passions are: love of learning and love of students. And I love both."
"In class, Mrs. Flick is very organized, thorough, and exacting; she varies her methods of imparting information which always makes the class interesting," wrote one of her students. "She is genuinely interested in all of her students and their activities, and even keeps a bulletin board displaying newspaper articles about them. She always has a good, positive and friendly attitude toward her class and her students."
Don Miller
American History and Civics Teacher
Fort Scott Junior High School
USD 234 Fort Scott
Miller has taught and coached at Fort Scott Junior High School since 1977. He teaches American history and civics, and he coaches eighth grade football and seventh and ninth grade boys basketball. Prior to joining the Fort Scott Junior High staff, he taught and coached at two Coffeyville junior high schools.
A Fort Scott native, Miller attended Fort Scott Community College two years before going to Pittsburg State University. He received his B.S. degree in 1964 and his M.S. degree in 1969 both from Pittsburg State.
Miller is a member of the National Education Association, K-NEA, and pride steering committee. He is a sponsor of Youth Pride at the junior high. In Fort Scott, he is a member of the parks advisory board.
In 1968, Miller won the Coffeyville Outstanding Young Educator Award. In 1979 and 1980, his Youth Pride group won the state championship.
Miller's philosophy is basic and sound.
"My educational philosophy is learn by seeing and doing," says Miller.
He has more to say about the importance of government classes.
"I want our students to become active members of and contribute to their community," he says. "They need to know how their community and nation work in order to contribute in a positive manner.
"If we as Kansans and Americans are to have a future, we must present an exciting learning situation both in and out of the classroom. The future of this nation rests in the hands of professional educators."
Deloris Jean Osger
Geography and Language Arts Teacher
Eureka Junior High School
USD 389 Eureka
Osger has been teaching at Eureka Junior High School since 1973. She teaches seventh and eighth grade geography and language arts.
Osger, an Iola native, received her B.S. degree in education in 1959 and her master's degree in 1966 both from Emporia State University.
She is a member of several professional organizations, including the National Education Association, K-NEA, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She is a member of the United Methodist Church.
Osger was named Teacher of the Year for U.S.D. 389 in 1978-79.
"Education must be the foundation from which the student can draw the strength to meet life's demands," Osger says. "It should be of all dimensions so that each individual has mental, social, and emotional competence. Education should influence behavior in the areas of knowledge, skills, habits, values, and attitudes. It should lead each student into developing critical thinking, creativity, and the ability Eureka to relate learning to reality."
"She is a timeless worker, teaching all day and sponsoring activities at night," wrote one colleague. "On many occasions we have traveled by bus to sporting activities that other teachers have attempted to avoid. She has the interest of the student at heart, and I believe this is the reason she has maintained rapport with the students."
Chester Peckover
American Government Teacher
Buhler High School
USD 313 Buhler
Peckover has been teaching at Buhler High School since 1960. He teaches American government and is chairperson of the social science department. Peckover also is the senior class sponsor.
Peckover received his B.A. degree in 1960 from McPherson College. He received his M.S. degree in 1966 from Emporia State University. He has also completed work at Wichita State University, University of Kansas, Oklahoma State University, and La Verne College of California.
A Sebring, Fla., native, Peckover has been a member of the National Education Association, K-NEA, and Education Association of District 313 for 21 years. He is also a member of Phi Delta Kappa. He has been a member of the National and the Kansas Councils of Social Studies for 15 years.
Peckover has been a member of the Church of the Brethren for 44 years. He has been on the Buhler City Council and he has been active in other parts of city government.
During his career, Peckover has received several grants, including three from the National Science Foundation.
"I believe a teacher must offer students much more than a textbook and assignments," says Peckover. "A teacher must try to live as an example, recognize individuality, encourage positive self-image, instill self discipline, display acceptable emotions, express sincerity, and maintain some semblance of humor."
"To me," wrote a colleague of Peckover, "Chet is the Abe Lincoln of Buhler High School. His way with words, his humor, and his understanding feelings of the faculty and students make him stand out alone as an individual."
Byron Smith
USD 361 Anthony-Harper
Smith has been superintendent of U.S.D. 361, Anthony-Harper, since 1967. Prior to taking his current position, Smith was superintendent for districts in Goodland, St. John, Isabel, and Englewood.
A Putnam, Okla., native, Smith received his B.S. degree in education in 1946 from Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He received his M.S. degree in school administration in 1950 from the University of Oklahoma. He has taken additional work at Colorado State University and Emporia State University.
Smith is a member of the Kansas State Teachers Association, Kansas National Education Association, Local Teachers Association, National Education Association, Kansas Association of School Administrators, American Association of School Administrators, and Phi Delta Kappa professional education fraternity.
In the community, Smith is active in the United Methodist Church, Masonic Lodge, Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and American Legion.
Smith has received several awards, including the 25 Years of Service to Education Certificate from the University of Kansas in 1971, the Commissioner of Education Certificate of Appreciation for Service to Professional Teaching Practices Commission in 1978, and the United School Administrators Certificate of Appreciation for Service to USA Legislative Program in 1980.
"Educators should be familiar with the needs of society," says Smith. "While we constantly redefine our objectives to emphasize those areas that are recognized by parents, teachers and patrons as true education, we must remember that the public schools are not the only agency responsible for developing good, productive citizens for a democratic society. All the wants of our society cannot be, and should not be, satisfied by public schools."