1976 Award Winners
1976 Kansas Master Teachers
Charlotte Doyle, USD 383 Manhattan-Ogden
Harry Hart, USD 253 Emporia
Glennis Lindsey, USD 308 Hutchinson
Dr. James A. McCain, Kansas State University
Frances Raines, USD 465 Winfield
Dr. Richard Roahen, Emporia State University
Darlene Theno, Kaw View Juvenile Home, Kansas City, Kansas
Eleanor White, USD 443 Dodge City

This program contains the names of the Master Teacher Nominees for the year listed here.
Biographies below were included in the program for the year listed here and were current as of that time.
Charlotte Doyle
English Teacher
Manhattan High School
USD 383 Manhattan-Ogden
Charlotte Doyle, Manhattan English teacher, has been active in a number of activities involving young people in Manhattan and in Riley County.
At present she serves on the Admissions Board for Youth Care, a Manhattan group care home for boys, as well as on the executive board and the program and staff committee. She is vice president of the corporation which operates the home.
In the seven years she has taught at Manhattan high school, she has designed a non-college bound curriculum for the English department. While serving as coordinator for the department in grades 7 through 12 she has instituted an alternative English program which has been in operation for the last two years.
Mrs. Doyle's work with alternative programs has reached to the state level where she serves on a statewide committee made up of teachers and counselors studying alternative programs. At Manhattan high school, she has also been sponsor of the Pep Club and Kayettes.
A graduate of Emporia Kansas State College and Kansas State University, Manhattan, Mrs. Doyle has continued her education a Kansas State where she has studied counseling, learning disabilities, the problems of emotionally disturbed youngsters, and open education.
Her interest in animals has led to a menagerie which includes a baby buffalo, three horses, cattle, ducks and dogs on the small farm near Manhattan where she lives with her husband. Her experiences with wild animals-bobcats, badgers, squirrels, raccoons, opossums and skunks-has led to a series of classes at Manhattan's University for Man and appearances on the Manhattan television show, "Zoo Time."
Active in NEA, K-NEA, MUEA, Delta Kappa Gamma and Phi Delta Kappa, Mrs. Doyle was chosen outstanding teacher at Manhattan High School for 1974-75. She is also an honorary member of Future Farmer's of America.
Harry Hart
District Art Coordinator and Art Teacher
Lowther Junior High School
USD 253 Emporia
"Harry Hart makes the day a little better for our Emporia schools everyday," says a colleague of Harry Walter Hart, Art Coordinator for Emporia Unified School District.
"His energies and talents are evident everywhere from the abundantly stocked and carefully organized art supply room to professional association functions. When a job needs to be done-Harry is often asked to do it."
Hart, who joined the Emporia faculty in 1960 as an art teacher at Low1her Junior High, has been art coordinator for the district since 1966. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bethany College and a Masters in Art Education from the University of Kansas.
Active in a number of professional organizations, Hart is a member of the National Education Association of K-NEA where he has served as a member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of the Topeka Section, K-NEA convention. He has been president of Emporia-NEA as well as a member of the Professional Teaching Standard Board of the State Board of Education. He has also been a delegate to NEA and to the National Art Education Association. He has been chairman of the Certification Committee of the Kansas Art Education Association.
He is past president of the Emporia Friends of Art and Community Arts, Inc. A member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, he has served there as an Elder.
As an art educator, he has made the visit from the traveling art teacher an event for Emporia children.
"Man, is it fun!" says one young student. "Even one time Mr. Hart got down on the floor and we drew around him to make Santa."
Hart's own work as an artist has brought him a nomination for the 1976 Thomas Hart Benton Award of the Kansas City Art institute.
Glennis Lindsey
First and Second Grade Teacher
Faris and Winans Elementary Schools
USD 308 Hutchinson
"Learning does not happen incidentally," says Glennis Lindsey, who for 27 years has taught first and second graders at Hutchinson's Faris and Winans Elementary Schools.
"One thing a .good teacher must never forget is to teach a student from where the student is," she says. "Test scores and 'averages' can be exploited to make children feel unworthy. After all, there is more to education than taking a test."
Miss Lindsey, who taught at Kanopolis after finishing her work for a certificate at Fort Hays State College in 1940, holds a B.S. in Business Administration as well as a Masters Degree in Elementary Education plus 15 hours.
Also trained as a musician, her work as organist and pianist for numerous Hutchinson music groups has led to an active role on music committees at the First Congregational Church in Hutchinson and the Hutchinson Music Club. She has also long been a volunteer worker for the Hutchinson Symphony ticket sales.
Miss Lindsey, who has taught second graders at Faris Elementary School since 1963, Is also active in Hutchinson-NEA which she has served on many committees including the Executive Council, the program committee, as Insurance representative and on the salary committee.
She has been English Council Representative, chairman of both first and second grade teachers and on the textbook selection committee for the current social studies series used in the Hutchinson schools.
Classroom teachers must study available teaching methods until they find the ones which serve them best Miss Lindsey believes.
"It is my firm belief," she says, "that it is the teacher who makes the difference, no matter what method is used."
"I also believe children need to understand that learning basic skills, whether athletic, musical, or educational is hard work. After the mastery comes the fun and games for reinforcement, a feeling of pride and a sense of security in school experience."
Dr. James A. McCain
Commissioner of Labor for the State of Kansas
Former President of Kansas State University
Dr. James A. McCain, Commissioner of Labor for the State of Kansas, has distinguished himself as an educator, engineer and expert in labor relations and manpower fields.
President of Kansas State University, Manhattan, from 1950 to 1975, Dr. McCain was the seventh American to receive the Eisenhower People-to-People Medallion, in 1969, in recognition of international service. He spent six months in Europe in 1957 studying European universities as an Eisenhower Exchange Fellow.
He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and has received honorary doctor's degrees from Colorado State University, Wofford College, where he earned his A.B. degree; Kansas State University, the University of Montana, where he was president from 1945 to 1950, and Andra Pradesh University, India.
Dr. McCain received his Master's Degree from Duke University and his doctorate from Stanford University.
Upon retirement as president of Kansas State, Dr. McCain was appointed Commissioner of Labor for the State of Kansas. His career has included experience in the labor relations and manpower field, including three years as impartial chairman of a labor management roundtable that helped reduce industrial conflict in Montana.
He received a special commendation from the secretary of the Navy for establishing a program for the classification and placement of all naval enlisted personnel during World War II.
Dr. McCain has also served as a special consultant on recruitment to the Peace Corps.
Frances Raines
Winfield Elementary School
USD 465 Winfield
"I have had rewarding experiences and opportunities-and I feel that one of the greatest has been the privilege of working with young children," says Mrs. Frances Raines, Winfield Elementary Librarian.
Mrs. Raines' teaching assignments have included working elementary classrooms and as a reading specialist before she became librarian for three elementary schools in Winfield.
"I enjoy teaching basic skills. Also, I try to help each student solve his own special learning problems. I like to discover and encourage the constructive talents of children, remembering that each child Is unique," she explains.
She holds a Bachelor's of Science in Education from the University of Colorado and has also done work at Emporia State, Kansas State College Pittsburg, and Wichita State University.
Before joining the Winfield school system she taught at Sylvia, Pittsburg, Hutchinson, Plains and Ulysses where she was instrumental in the establishment of a school for the children of migrant workers.
Active in a number of professional and civic organizations, she has served three years as the State Junior Director of Federated Clubs of Kansas. A member of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international organization of women teachers, she has served her local chapter as chairman of the committee for Personal Growth and Service.
She is a member of the Winfield Teachers Association of which she is past president. She serves on the executive board and the negotiation team of her local, and is a member of the K-NEA Resolutions Commission and Kansas Political Action Committee. She is also a member of the Kansas Association of School Librarians.
Dr. Richard Roahen
Faculty Member, English Department
Emporia State University
Richard L. Roahen, for 48 years a member of the English faculty at Emporia Kansas State College, has taught literature to thousands of students ranging from freshmen new to Emporia State to graduate students, already proficient in the subject.
"Each of his classes was an invigorating, rewarding experience," says one former student, now a colleague.
Professor Roahen joined the English Department faculty in 1928 upon completion of his Master of Arts Degree at the University of Kansas and has remained here except for leaves to continue his studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and during World War II when he was an officer in the Army Air Corps, specializing in radio, radar and ground controlling activities. At the Orlando, Florida, Air Base, he was Information-Education officer and director of the War Information Center.
On June 1, Professor Roahen will retire from academic duties at Emporia State but will maintain a permanent resident in Emporia.
During his tenure, the longest of any faculty member in the history of the school, he has served under five presidents, two interim presidents, and five department heads. He has seen the enrollment of the college increase from a few hundred to more than 6,500.
Interested in all phases of education, he has been active with several professional organizations including the National Education Association, the National Council of Teachers of English and the Kansas Association of College English Teachers.
One of the first teachers in Kansas to organize travel groups for college credit, he has directed tours to Europe and various areas in the United States, Canada, Cuba and Mexico.
Darlene Theno
Educational Coordinator
Kaw View Juvenile Home
Kansas City, Kansas
Darlene Theno's greatest honor has been the joy that comes from working with children, in school, church and the community, says a colleague of this Kansas City, Kansas, educator who began her teaching career in a one-room elementary school and is now educational coordinator for the Kaw View Juvenile Home.
After completion of her Associate of Arts Degree at Southwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Missouri, in 1949, Mrs. Theno began her teaching career at Nearman School in her native Wyandotte County. Mrs. Theno was born in Bethel and educated at Washington High school.
She joined the Kansas City, Kansas, school system in 1951 and taught at Vance and Welborn Elementary Schools before accepting her present position at Kaw View Juvenile Home In 1975.
Mrs. Theno holds a bachelor's degree from William Jewell College and is presently working on he master's at Emporia Kansas State College.
In her present assignment, she coordinates each student's program at the individual school and sets out a program to meet the student's educational needs and capabilities. She is an integral part of the "Crisis Intervention Team" made up of the Court Staff, psychologist and detention personnel at Kaw View Juvenile Home.
Mrs. Theno has been active in community and educational groups including local and state NEA chapters, 4-H, Haven Baptist Church, YWCA, American Field Service and People to People.
Always on the look out for quality methods in teaching, Mrs. Theno has participated actively in the International Reading Association, has been Science Fair Coordinator at Welborn School and Safety Patrol sponsor. She has also worked with the PTA-serving three terms as vice-president.
Eleanor White
Sixth Grade and Girls' Physical Education Teacher
Central Elementary School
USD 443 Dodge City
"Teacher, counselor and friend," are the words which sum up Eleanor White's work as classroom Instructor, physical education teacher, drug education counselor and civic worker, according to a former student.
Drug education for teachers, community workers and In the classroom is a specialty for Eleanor White, who teaches sixth grade and girls' physical education at Central Elementary School In Dodge City.
Mrs. White, who has assisted at three Governor's Drug Abuse Annual Conferences, has been a member of the Kansas Leadership Team In Drug Abuse and on the Dodge City Area Drug Abuse Council, which she helped to organize in 1973.
Her work has led to the organization of a "Hotline" in Dodge City. She served Dodge City Hotline, Inc., as its first president and is now the resident agent for the corporation. Her appearances on educational panels throughout the state have been instrumental in the organization of Drug Abuse Education Programs In schools In other Kansas cities.
In addition to her work as a classroom teacher, Mrs. White is active In a number of civic organizations In Dodge City. She has been named "Woman of the Year" for 1975-76 by the Dodge City chapter of Business and Professional Women which she served as president during 1974-75. During that time she was also Director of the 9th District of that organization.
In addition to BPW, she has also served as president of the American Association of University Women and as an officer In Delta Kappa Gamma.
A member of the teaching faculty in Dodge City's Central School since 1955, Mrs. White has been active in a number of professional organizations. She is a member of the National Education Association, K-NEA and Dodge City-NEA where she has served on the Curriculum Steering Committee and been a delegate to the state convention.
Mrs. White's teaching is not confined to her classroom, she has ·also taught ninth graders on Sunday at Dodge City's First Christian Church-since October, 1950.