1971 Award Winners
1971 Kansas Master Teachers
Kenneth Anderson, University of Kansas School of Education
Earl Bevan, USD 250 Pittsburg
Helen Case, USD 490 El Dorado
Carl Clinesmith, USD 234 Fort Scott
Herman Grundy, Kansas City, Kansas Community Junior College
Betty Jackson, Colby Community College
Margaret Jagger, USD 239 North Ottawa
F.L. Schlagle, USD 500 Kansas City, Kansas

This program contains the names of the Master Teacher Nominees for the year listed here.
Biographies below were included in the program for the year listed here and were current as of that time.
Kenneth Anderson
Professor of Higher Education
Executive Director, Master Planning Commission for Kansas
Former Dean, University of Kansas School of Education
Dr. Kenneth E. Anderson is one of the most respected educators and scholars in the nation, according to faculty members at the University of Kansas.
The former dean of the KU School of Education is now Professor of Education (higher education) and Executive Director of the Master Planning Commission for Kansas.
On May 1, 1970, Dr. Anderson was appointed to his present post. The Master Planning Commission was authorized by the Kansas Legislature in 1970 to study, as Phase I, community junior colleges, area vocational technical schools and private higher educational institutions in Kansas.
As executive director, Dr. Anderson is responsible for the commission and spearheads much of the study done by the group.
A native of Minnesota, Dr. Anderson received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota.
Before his 17-year tenure as dean of the KU Education School, Dr. Anderson taught in the Minnesota Public Schools for 10 years as science teacher, principal and superintendent. He was director of the University of Minnesota High School for three years and principal of the Iowa State Teachers College Campus High School for one year.
In 1952, he joined the KU faculty as professor of education. A year later he was named dean of the school, a post he held until 1970 when he retired.
Kenneth Anderson has authored and co-authored many publications which are a tribute to his distinguished service to education both in Kansas and nationally. To his credit are more than 136 articles done by Dr. Anderson or his associates under his supervision and more than 80 books and other bound publications.
Dr. Anderson has traveled widely studying school systems across the nation and in South and Central America.
He is a member and past president of the American Educational Research Association, past president of the American Association for Research in Science Training, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Psychological Association, Sigma Xi and the New York Academy of Science.
He has received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the University of Minnesota and was elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Anderson received the 21st Science Education Recognition Award given by the National Association for Research in Science Training.
In 1966, Dr. Anderson served as a visiting scientist in the American Psychological Association Program supported by the National Science Foundation.
Earl Bevan
USD 250 Pittsburg
"A person needs a genuine affection for young people to go into teaching. You can cultivate ability."
So say Earl R. Bevan, superintendent of schools for Unified School District No. 250 at Pittsburg.
And a genuine interest in young people has marked Earl Bevan's 40-some-year career as a Kansas educator. He has gone the ranks from teacher and coach to principal and finally to superintendent of schools.
Under his leadership the Pittsburg schools have prospered and a great many programs have begun only because Earl Bevan worked diligently to get them started.
Mr. Bevan graduated from KSTC in 1929 with a Bachelor of Science degree. He received his Master of Science degree from the University of Kansas and has additional hours of credit from the University of Chicago and Colorado College of Education.
Earl Bevan's entire career has been SJ.lent in southeast Kansas. It started in the Independence Public Schools where he was a teacher and athletic coach. He became vice principal of the Independence Junior High in 1940 and became principal in 1941.
In 1945, Mr. Bevan moved to Neodesha as principal of the high school and two years later he was named superintendent of schools at Neodesha. He resigned in 1951 to accept the superintendent's job at Pittsburg.
In 1944, Mr. Bevan left the education field for a short time to serve as the first Kansas representative to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
Earl Bevan is a member of the Pittsburg Education Association, Kansas National Education Association, National Education Association, American Association of School Administrators, Methodist Church, Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce. He serves on the Salvation Army Board of Directors and on the Mental Health Association's Board.
During his college days , Mr. Bevan was chosen for the 1929 All American Track Team.
He was president of the KSTA in 1959-60 and served as president of the Lions Club at Neodesha and Pittsburg. He received the Senior Citizens Award for Outstanding Leadership from the Pittsburg Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1964.
A long-time member of the Pittsburg Board of Education says of Earl Bevan, "He has been the stabilizing hand and guiding light in our Pittsburg school system for the past 20 years."
Administrators, faculty and students alike echo this feeling.
Helen Case
Head of Social Science Department
El Dorado High School
USD 490 El Dorado
''The most active person I have ever known."
"She can do anything."
These are just a few of the things friends and former students of Helen Case write about the lady.
Miss Case, head of the Social Science Department for Unified School District No. 490 at El Dorado, has been teaching around Butler County for more than 40 years.
Her career started in a one-room school in rural El Dorado where she taught all eight grades. She was not much older than some of her students.
A graduate of El Dorado High School herself, Miss Case attended KSTC nights and summers for many years before receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in 1946. Her Master of Science was also awarded from KSTC- in 1963. She has additional credits from Purdue University and Wichita State University.
Every hour of college credit Helen Case has received from her first hour past her master 's has been done during the summer or at night while she commuted from her teaching at El Dorado.
From her first job in Rural 101 at El Dorado, Miss Case moved to Rural 135 at Leon where she also taught all eight grades. She continued teaching all ages when she taught at Red Top School near El Dorado.
In 1936 Miss Case joined the El Dorado High School faculty, a position she still holds. Besides her duties as head of the Social Science Department, Miss Case continues to teach the senior government courses.
The honors paid to Helen Case are numerous. In 1959 she was named the Kansas Teacher of the Year and as such is listed in the "McCall's Magazine Honor Roll of Teachers."
She is past president and vice president of the Kansas State Teachers Association as well as past president of the El Dorado Teachers Association. She has served on the Kansas National Educational Association Board of Directors for 15 years.
Miss Case has served on the state board of the American Association of University Women and Delta Kappa Gamma. She is active in the Christian Church and still teaches an adult Sunday School class. She also sings in the church choir.
Helen Case is a past president of the Business and Professional Women's organization in El Dorado as well as past president of the Butler County Chapter of UNESCO.
A student had this to say: "Miss Case was always firm but she never lost her sense of humor or her tolerance."
Carl Clinesmith
Director of Music
Fort Scott Jr-Sr High School
USD 234 Fort Scott
Carl B. Clinesmith is known as the " Dean of Strings" around Fort Scott where he is director of music for Fort Scott Junior High and High School. And after 40 years of service to music in Kansas schools, he well deserves the title.
A former student of Mr. Clinesmith compares him to Prof. Harold Hill of ''Music Man" fame. "Except," writes the student, "Mr. Clinesmith actually is a musician."
And Mr. Clinesmith's career is slightly reminiscent of Prof. Hill. For in every town he taught the results were music-band, orchestras and chorus.
Carl Clinesmith received his life teaching certificate from KSTC in 1931 and then went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree from Fort Hays State College in 1936. He received a Master of Science degree from the University of Kansas in 1950 and has done additional graduate study at KSTC, Kansas State University and Pittsburg State College.
Before receiving his life certificate, "Carl B," as he is known throughout Kansas , taught all grades in the Stafford County rural schools. After receiving his certificate he moved to Tribune where he taught reading, math, spelling and, of course, band.
Pretty Prairie, Garnett, Bayless High School in St. Louis, Mo., Hill City-his presence was felt in each town where he taught. Bands and orchestras were organized and music began to have meaning for children and adults alike in these towns.
He moved to Fort Scott in 1947 and began teaching music at Fort Scott High School and Junior College. In 1958 he assumed his present post teaching orchestra and chorus at the Fort Scott Junior and Senior High Schools. He also began conducting the Fort Scott Youth Symphony which he organized.
Carl Clinesmith has found time during the years to devote many hours to 4-H Club musical activity as well as professional music organizations. In 1953 and 1954 he was Kansas Regional Chairman of the Southwest Music Educator's Conference, a division of the National Music Educator's Conference. In 1958 he served as chairman of Region II of the Kansas Music Educator's Association. And through the years, Carl Clinesmith has served as president, vice president and program chairman of the Fort Scott Teachers Association.
In addition to all his other activities, Mr. Clinesmith has directed the Fort Scott Men's Chorus and the Presbyterian Church Choir. He is active in his church as well as the Fort Scott Rotary Club.
Carl Clinesmith puts it into words better than anyone else: " Somehow my desire has been to make music a part of 'everyone's' life. " But most of all people say, "Carl Clinesmith brought music to our town."
That says it all.
Herman Grundy
English Instructor
Kansas City, Kansas Community Junior College
Herman B. Grundy is known around Kansas City as a "teacher who really cares."
As an instructor in the Department of English at Kansas City, Kan., Community Junior College for 25 years, Herman Grundy has had a lot of students to care about.
Mr. Grundy holds both a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree from KSTC. He has spent summers studying at the University of Minnesota, the University of Colorado and the University of Utah.
He began teaching in 1929 in a one-room school in Greenwood County. In 1933, he was promoted to principal at Piedmont and then in 1940, after receiving his degree from KSTC, he began teaching English at Atwood.
He moved to Kansas City, Kan., in 1941 as an English teacher at Northwest Junior High. He held that post until he became instructor of English at Kansas City Junior College in 1946.
Herman Grundy developed the first parent-teacher association at Piedmont and became known as a good judge for Optimist speech contests and spelling contests. He continues to judge yearly at the Wyandotte High School Debate Tournament.
For the past 10 years, Herman Grundy has chaired the Department of English at KCKJC. He has also sponsored the Student National Education Association chapter at the college.
He is a member of the K~nsas State Teachers Association, the NEA, the National Council of Teachers of English, the Kansas Association of Teachers of English, Kappa Delta Pi and Pi Omega Pi. Mr. Grundy is also a very active member of the Methodist Church.
Herman Grundy is not only a good English teacher but he is also active in English teachers organizations. He has served as president of the Kansas Council of Teachers of English and has served on the Board of Directors of both the Kansas Association and National Council of Teachers of English.
Several years ago, Herman Grundy was one of five teachers in the country named to attend the Tempe, Ariz. , Conference on Junior College English. He also served as chairman of the Midwest Regional Conference on English in the Two-Year Colleges at St. Louis and Chicago in 1966.
As said before, Herman Grundy is known as a " teacher who cares." And students go a step further when they say he cares not only when they are in his class but all the time they are in college and after they graduate.
One former student, now a successful businessman, said, " Herman Grundy not only has the ability to communicate and teach students, but he also has that more intangible quality that is often known as rapport, but in his case, should be called concern."
Betty Jackson
English Instructor
Colby Community College
A former student has called Betty Jackson her "Mother Confessor."
For the English instructor at Colby Community College, this is one of her highest compliments.
Along with her English duties at Colby, Mrs. Jackson also is in charge of the Audiovisual Department and helps with education courses.
A native of Hill City, Betty Jackson attended Fort Hays State College and San Francisco State College before graduating from Kansas State University in 1948. Her Master of Science degree was awarded from Fort Hays State in 1960 and since that time, she has done additional graduate work at Indiana University and K-State.
Betty Jackson's teaching career began at Hill City High School where she taught English, journalism and drama. It continued at Oakley High School where she taught English and journalism and was in charge of the library.
She joined the faculty at Colby Community College in 1967 as English instructor and her duties as Audiovisual Department head were added later.
Although Mrs. Jackson is regarded as an outstanding teacher, her activities outside the classroom are of considerable importance.
She sponsors a Methodist Youth Fellowship group at the Methodist Church where she holds membership. She organized the Plains Theatre Guild Group at Oakley and has served as a District Play judge for 10 years.
In 1968, Mrs. Jackson was named Teacher of the Year at Colby Community College. She was named one of the outstanding Educators in America in 1969 and has served five years on the Kansas National Education Association Board of Directors.
Mrs. Jackson organized the Student National Education Association at CCC and helped establish the Education Department at the College. She served two years as a member of the President's Advisory Commission and Library Commission at CCC.
Besides her memberships in the K-NEA and NEA, Betty Jackson is a member of the Oakley Teachers Association, the state and national Audiovisual Associations, PEO and Order of Eastern Star.
Someone once asked Betty Jackson what she taught. Her answer was, "How to face life with a little bit of English and Literature thrown in for good measure."
When asked about Mrs. Jackson, students don't remember her determination in teaching college students grammar. They repeatedly point out her sense of humor and ability to keep cool under pressure as what they remember most about their Master Teacher.
Margaret Jagger
Minneapolis Elementary School
USD 239 North Ottawa
Mrs. Margaret Jagger is the second grade teacher at the Minneapolis Elementary School Attendance Center. Unified School District No. 239.
And she teaches her second graders a lot more than just the three r 's. Students coming out of Margaret Jagger's second grade are accomplished square dancers-or at least they've been taught square dancing by an accomplished teacher.
Square dancing is just one of the hobbies of " the lady with the smiling face." That name, coined by one of her second graders who hadn't learned her name yet, has stuck with Margaret Jagger for many years. And it's an appropriate title.
A native of northeast Kansas, Margaret Jagger graduated from Highland Park High School in Topeka before receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in home economics from Kansas State University in 1943. Her Master of Science degree in education was granted from KSTC in 1969, during the same Commencement ceremony several of her students received bachelor degrees.
Mrs. Jagger's career in education began in the Child Guidance Laboratory School at K-State. She taught in the Pre-School for the Family Service in Topeka before joining the Delphos High School faculty in 1956. At Delphos Mrs. Jagger taught home economics and general science. She moved to the Delphos Elementary School in 1958 and began teaching first grade.
In 1959 she left Delphos for her present position in the second grade at Minneapolis.
Mrs. Jagger is a member of the North Ottawa County Teachers Association, the Kansas and National Teachers Associations, the National Education Association, Delta Kappa Gamma, International Reading Association, the K-State Alumni Association and Farm House Mothers Club. She also holds memberships in the Quest Study Club, Farm Bureau, Kansas Republican Women, the Ottawa County Republican Central Committee and the Ottawa County Association for Mental Health.
Mrs. Jagger is active in the Methodist Church and serves on the Board of Governors of the Central Kansas Mental Health Center. She is also an active member of the Rock City Ramblers Square Dance Club.
A well-known member of the community, Margaret Jagger was described by one Minneapolis resident as '' not just a joiner but a participator.''
Parents of children Mrs. Jagger teaches have nothing but praise for the Master Teacher. Said one: "She gives students a feeling of importance."
And said another: "She takes more than a teacher's personal interest in each child."
F. L. Schlagle
Superintendent of Schools Emeritus
USD 500 Kansas City, Kansas
F. L. Schlagle, Superintendent of Schools Emeritus in Kansas City, Kansas, points with pride to more than 50 years of Educational work in Kansas.
Mr. Schlagle is a 1916 graduate of the Kansas State Teachers College and was the college's first recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Citation which he received in 1960. He received an M.A. degree from Columbia University in 1923 and did additional graduate work there.
His quick rise in education included teaching positions at Syracuse and Wolcott, Kansas, from 1909 to 1912, two years as Principal at Kerr Elementary School in Kansas City, Kansas, two years as Vice Principal at Central Junior High School there, five years as Principal at Argentine High School, eight years as Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Kansas City and 30 years as Superintendent of Schools ( from 1932 to 1962).
Mr. Schlagle has been active in the Kansas State Teachers Association, serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1936 to 1941.
He was President of the National Education Association from 1944 to 1946 and was the only president to serve two terms in the 100 years of the organization. He also served in a number of other roles with the Association including State Director for Kansas from 1932 to 1965 and Chairman of the Board of Trustees from 1961 to 1965.
In 1945 he served as a consultant on education to the U.S. delegation of the United Nations, was a member of the U.S. delegation to the conference on UNESCO in London in 1945, and in 1946 was the President of the World Conference on the Teaching Profession in New York state with 28 nations participating.
Among many other national activities, Mr. Schlagle is especially proud of the following: present member of the American Association of School Administrators, member of the National Board of Camp Fire Girls from 1947 to 1950, a member of the educational administrators group participating in a month's tour of Soviet schools in 1959, a participant in the White House Conference on Rural Education in 1944, and a member of the 1959 White House Conference on Children and Youth.
Statewide, Mr. Schlagle was a member of the State Board of Education, the State Board of Vocational Education and the Kansas State Textbook Commission from 1939 to 1945. He was chairman of the Kansas State Polio March of Dimes from 1950 to 1953, and Kansas Chairman of the U.S. Savings Bonds Division for Schools from 1945 to 1962.
He has also served on the Master Teacher Selection Committee for many years. The rest of the committee voted without his knowledge to bestow a Master Teacher Award upon him this year.