Daniel Miller
Professor of Mathematics
Campus Box 4027
1 Kellogg Circle
Emporia State University
Emporia, KS 66801
Office: Science Hall 250C
Joined the department in 2006
Ph. D. Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2003)
B.S. Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University (1997)
Research Area
O-Minimal Structures and Analytic Geometry with applications to analysis
Professional Highlights
LA&S Excellence in Scholarship Award 2012-2013
Classes taught
- Intermediate Algebra
- College Algebra
- Precalculus
- Basic Calculus
- Calculus I
- Calculus II
- Calculus III
- Discrete Mathematics
- Linear Alebra
- Mathematical Connections
- Mathematical Proofs
- Projective Geometry
- Vector Spaces
- Advanced Calculus I
- Advanced Calculus II
- Number Theory
Drumming on a practice pad.