Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 | glarson1@emporia.edu

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News in 2021

ESU String Academy Teaches Children

April 29, 2021 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Emporia-area children who want to learn to play stringed instruments are doing so with a new string academy from the Department of Music at Emporia State University. Stringfully opened its doors in March, offering group lessons for violin, viola and cello as well as music theory. Every Thursday evening Beach Hall is filled with music and children.

Dr. George Arasimowicz named new provost at Emporia State University

April 20, 2021 Administration

Dr. George Arasimowicz, dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at Central State University, an historically black university in Ohio, will assume his duties as provost and vice president for academic affairs this summer, according to Allison D. Garrett, president of Emporia State University.

Archives Presents Literary Journal Discussion

April 19, 2021 University Libraries & Archives

Emporia State University Special Collections and Archives presents a discussion with Cheryl Unruh and Tracy Million Simmons, editors of 105: Meadowlark Reader, a new literary journal dedicated to creative nonfiction by Kansas authors.

Reflecting on Our Humanity

April 16, 2021 Administration

As we enter the last weeks of our spring semester, many of us may be focused on our own busyness. Others may be focused on historic events happening elsewhere, such as the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing George Floyd.

The Teachers College Launches First ESU Podcast: How We Teach This

April 14, 2021 The Teachers College

How We Teach This, produced by members of The Teacher College, will feature one-on-one interviews to provide insight into education. The podcast is available through Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and other listening apps on which podcasts are available, as well as from its web site, www.emporia.edu/HWTT.