Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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Visser Hall Relocation

The transformer that powers Visser Hall blew yesterday afternoon, and will not be able to be fixed until the weekend. Students, faculty and staff of The Teachers College will be displaced temporarily.

Although our generator will be able to provide some light in the atrium, we will still need to shift much of what we do to other locations.

All department offices will relocate to the Jones Institute for Educational Excellence in the Earl Center, 1601 State St.

Visser Hall classes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be moved to other campus locations. Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants with Wednesday classes should report to the Atrium for new class locations. Thursday and Friday locations will be sent to faculty.

Faculty will contact students with instructions about classes and the temporary locations. 

The fifth proficiency of The Teachers College Conceptual Framework is “responds to uncertainty and change.”  We now have a chance to practice this.  I appreciate your patience and can-do spirit over the next three days.

Ken Weaver

Dean, The Teachers College