Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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I'm A Hornet from President Allison Garrett

Donor Registry

Earl Young, Olympic gold medalist in the 1960 Rome Games, came to Emporia State for two days last week to share his passion to add potential bone marrow donors to the international registry. He and the DKMS organization worked with two students, biochemistry and molecular biology major Chris Alderman and accounting major Shayla Cotman, to organize donor registry events both on campus and at Flint Hills Technical College. At last count 546 samples were added to the registry, including ESU Track Coach Steve Blocker, who is swabbing his cheeks in the photo above while Earl looks on.

International Competition

Milton Knopp and Julie La Combe, Instructional Design and Technology graduate students, will represent ESU at the 2016 Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention in Las Vegas in October. They are one of three teams competing in the final round of AECT’s Design and Development Competition.  


Arts & Sciences

ESU was ranked No. 7 on the list of Best Online Master’s Degree Programs in History, published by www.gradsource.com.

Congratulations to recent ESU graduate Chelsey Kohman (M.A. Biology, 2016)! Chelsey is now attending the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program at St. George's University. The university is located nearly 2,800 miles away in the Caribbean on the beautiful island of Grenada. For the first three years of this program she will remain in Grenada and for the final (fourth) year she will be matched to a U.S. school to complete her clinical studies.

Mallory Koci, instructor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, was recognized as a 2015-16 Assessment Champion at the fall 2016 General Assembly.

Dr. Joyce Thierer presented as Georgiana Jackson at the Chisholm Trail celebration in Abilene over the Labor Day weekend.


Police & Safety

After 35 years of dedicated service, Sgt. Don Shafer is retiring from ESU Police. We are pleased to announce that J.P. (Pat) Ford has been promoted to Sergeant. Pat’s been an ESU officer for a little over two years. Prior to that Ford was with the Emporia Police Department. His knowledge and experience are a great asset to the department and university.


Graduate & Distance Education

Emporia State University is now offering 18-hour graduate certificate programs in English, history, mathematics and psychology to help secondary and community college educators fulfill the Higher Learning Commission’s requirement of 18 graduate credits in the discipline in which they teach. For more information:  http://graduate.emporia.edu/certificates/.


Alumni Relations 

The Alumni Association partnered with the Admire Community Center on a program featuring President Allison Garrett during the Admire community breakfast on Aug. 27.  Ken Weaver, dean of The Teachers College, and Steve Ternes, acting executive director for Mobilizing Literacy, joined the program to discuss ESU’s new partnership with the Jones Trust and regional school districts to enhance literacy for area youth. 


Library & Information Management

Ten new Doctor of Philosophy, Library and Information Management, students attended orientation on August 20 at ESU-KC. Students met each other and were welcomed to ESU by SLIM faculty; Dr. Wooseob Jeong, dean of SLIM, Dr. Jerald Spotswood, dean of the Graduate School; and Dr. Mirah Dow, Ph.D. program director.



The School of Business has been busy welcoming students back to campus with several events: Coffee with the Dean, Ice Cream Social, BizFest and a cookout before the first football game on September 1. 

We welcome Koch Industries to campus on Thursday as part of Koch Day featuring student interactive games, resume and interview tips and a presentation titled “Behavioral Based Interview Workshop.”

Dr. Joyce Zhou joined the Higher Education Forum Committee following her presentation in Hong Kong. HEF aims at the development and dissemination of higher education that has extended to all academic fields on an international platform. Dr. Zhou also is part of the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce to participate in the 29th Leadership Emporia Class, sponsored by the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce.


The Teachers College

Two of 10 students named Kansas IDEA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE) Biomedical Scholars for the 2016-2017 academic year are Emporia State Health Promotion majors: Taylor Heins and Bridget Wages.

Emporia State alumna Michelle Kelly (BSE 06—Elementary Education, MS 14—Early Childhood Education) and Denise Scribner (BSE 75—Physical Education) received the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). As Kelly was the Kansas Grades K-6 awardee, Scribner was the Kansas Grades 7-12 awardee. 



A research article by Stacy Smith (Sociology instructor) titled  “Gender Stratified Monopoly: Why Do I Earn Less and Pay More?” will appear in the April 2017 issue of Teaching Sociology, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Sociological Association.

Dr. Kamal Lamsal recently published “Sugarcane Harvest Logistics in Brazil” in one of the top operation management journals, Transportation Science.

Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Rabas, chair of the Department of English, Modern Languages, and Journalism! His new book of poems and stories, “Late for Cymbal Line,” has recently been accepted for publication by Local Gems Press (Long Island). This follows the publication this past April of “Songs for My Father: a collection of poems & stories” by Meadowlark Press (Emporia).



Dr. Christopher Stone was invited to speak to a panel of individuals from the Department of Defense (DOD) Transition to Veterans Program about his research on veteran stereotypes in the employment selection process. The panel included individuals from the DOD, Department of Labor and the Veterans Administration. Dr. Stone’s research is being used to further improve programs for military veterans transitioning into the civilian workforce.