Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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I'm A Hornet from President Allison Garrett


Presidential debates

Two ESU faculty provided expert analysis after the second U.S. Presidential Debate on Oct. 9 and three will offer analysis after tonight’s debate. Students in Public Affairs Club and ESU Debate are sponsoring the watch party at 8 p.m. tonight followed by analysis by Michael Smith in political science; Chris Loghry, director of ESU Debate; and Heidi Hamilton in communications. The post-debate analysis is expected to begin around 9:30 p.m. and will be livestreamed at https://livestream.com/emporiastate

Arts & Sciences

Alumnus Dennis B. Neff (1973 BSE physical science & mathematics; 1977 MS physical science) returned to campus Oct. 7 to present “Pathways to Success Amid Evolving Technologies: A Personal Journey.” Dennis worked as a high school teacher before moving to the oil industry. He worked 25 years for Phillips Petroleum Company. Dennis’ presentation was co-sponsored by ESU Department of Physical Sciences and the Arkansas-Oklahoma-Kansas section of the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Congratulations to the ESU faculty, students, and alumni that participated in the 68th Annual Meeting of the Kansas Ornithological Society in Garden City earlier this month. Two of the 10 oral presentations were by ESU biologists. Undergraduate researchers Jordan Mahoney and Sarah Webb gave a commendable presentation of results from their EB 409 Projects in Ecology and Biodiversity work co-authored with Dr. Bill Jensen. Dr. Alexis Powell gave an interesting presentation on his research with blackbird phylogeny. These biologists were accompanied by ESU biology alumnus Stan Roth and Heather Kraus, graduate student in biology.

Roberta Eichenberg, professor of art, traveled recently to Chico, California, to present glass-blowing during an Oktoberfest celebration. Roberta earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at California State University, Chico, and became friends with Jeff Lindsay, a Chico artist who organized the glass demonstration.

Congratulations to Hornet alumnus, James H. Dienst (1985 BS biology), on his recent promotion to brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force. He will serve as the first general officer in U.S. Air Force Optometry history. 

Phil Kelly, professor of social sciences, will study the geopolitics of the Mississippi River after receiving a research grant from the ESU Graduate School.

Terrisa Ziek, ESU music faculty, participated in the 2016 Peak Performance Horn Symposium at Northwestern University. This event, hosted by Gail Williams, former principal horn of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, focused on performance, health and wellness and longevity. Special guests included NU tennis coach Claire Pollard and Sarah Willis, the first female brass player hired by the Berlin Philharmonic.

The Sociology Club on October 10 sponsored a Domestic Violence Awareness Panel consisting of local community service professional who discussed their perspectives of dealing with domestic violence. Panelists included alumni Danielle Armitage, SOS outreach prevention and education coordinator, and Officers Damian Podrebarac and Kevin Shireman from the Emporia Police Department.



Alumnus Doug Lewis (1968 Business Administration) was published in the National Conference of State Legislatures online blog answering the question “Can a presidential election really be hacked?” Doug recently retired as the CEO of The Election Center, the professional association of secretaries of state and other state election officials. 

Congratulations to alumnus Mel Wagner Jr., (1991 BSB management), who was recently named CEO of INDATEL Services LLC, a nationwide network that provides fiber connectivity to rural and urban America.

The marketing faculty of Drs. Joyce Zhou, Jun Yu and Kevin Coulson and Dean Ed Bashaw were invited to Hopkins Manufacturing to discuss their operations as well as their satisfaction with School of Business alumni they have hired in years past. The group also discussed the success factors they view as necessary for our graduates to be employed there and the things that they could do for the School of Business.


The Teachers College

Outstanding undergraduate students in The Teachers College, Shelby Deghand (elementary education), Mariana Juarez (health promotions), and Brandon Schrader (psychology) spent Saturday, October 1 during the home football game with University of Central Oklahoma in the president’s suite meeting and engaging with alumni, guests and university leaders.  

Ceara Shaughnessy, director of clinical counseling services clinic in the Department of Counselor Education, and Katrina Miller, professor and interim chair of counselor education, attended the National Association of Mental Illness Crisis Intervention Training Summit at Wichita on September 30. The focus was on stopping the criminalization of mental illness through partnerships between the police and mental health professionals. 

Secondary education students spent a week recruiting new students to the program. The students sponsored a table in the Memorial Union for recruitment and also to invite current students to join the Interdisciplinary Secondary Education Alliance. The students work with Drs. Paul Bland, professor, and Amanda Lickteig, assistant professor, from the Department of School Leadership/Middle and Secondary Teacher Education to send information to more than 30 students.

The Teachers College hosted alumni for the Homecoming Party on the Patio on October 15.

Dr. Basil Kessler, instructor in the Department of Counselor Education, is teaching American Sign Language II this semester. Recently his class of sign enthusiasts met at the Memorial Union Main Street and WAW Library.

Carol Daniels and Jim Persinger, both in Department of Psychology, helped host the Kansas Association of School Psychologists Conference on October 13-14, 2016 in Manhattan, Kansas.


Honors College

Congratulations to Dr. Gary Wyatt, associate provost and director of the Honors College, who was elected president-elect of the Great Plains Honors Council. The council serves collegiate honors programs in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. Coordinating its activities with the National Collegiate Honors Council, the Great Plains organization promotes the flow of information, ideas, fellowship and professional encouragement throughout its member programs. The spring regional conference always emphasizes student presentations.


Library & Information Management

The 25th anniversary of SLIM’s first distance education cohort in Sioux City, Iowa, was held in South Sioux City, Nebraska, on October 8 and 9. SLIM Dean Wooseob Jeong attended the events with Nikki Metz from ESU alumni relations.

Eddie Arizaga, a recent graduate of a SLIM Portland cohort, has been offered and accepted a position with Multnomah County Library in Oregon, as a bilingual (Spanish language) librarian.

Current Oregon SLIM students Mary Derr, Linden How and Sheila Shapiro have been awarded scholarships by the Oregon chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) to attend the Joint Oregon/Washington ACRL Conference this month. 

SLIM alumna and national faculty member Lori Wamsley has been appointed to serve on the Oregon State Library Board. Her appointment was reviewed and confirmed recently by the Oregon State Senate.

SLIM Associate Professor Dr. Andrew Smith led a successful learning trip to Serbia. Twelve students spent 10 days in Belgrade and Novi Sad, studying libraries and archives and meeting professional colleagues in Serbia. This was SLIM’s seventh successful learning trip to Serbia as part of the Global Experiences program, supported by the Office of International Education and the Edna Kruse Furbur Fund. Dean Wooseob Jeong participated in the early part of the trip.

Learning about advancing new ideas based on evidence is the focus of STEM-ALL fall classes taught by Dr. Ken Thompson, ESU professor of physical sciences, and Dr. Mirah Dow, ESU professor of library and information science. Forty-nine students are participating online throughout the semester and attend class in-person on the Emporia campus all day during two Saturdays. This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 


Alumni Relations

The Smoky Valley chapter hosted an event in Salina on October 6, and Ed Bashaw, dean of the School of Business, attended as a special guest. Ed was also interviewed at the Salina Journal and appeared as a guest on the Clarke Sanders radio show. 

President Allison Garrett talked with some local citizens during a Coffee and Conversation event in Reading, Kansas, on October 8. Steve Ternes shared information about the Mobilizing Literacy partnership between ESU, the Jones Trust and local school districts. North Lyon County USD 251 Superintendent Aron Dody also attended and shared how the district was using some of the funds to assist parents in providing access to early childhood literacy programs for their children. 

Homecoming 2016 brought together alumni, prospective students and community members to honor Outstanding Recent Graduates, Distinguished Alumni, student royalty and many others in a myriad of events. Photos are available in albums on ESU’s Flickr page.



Congratulations to alumna Dr. Linda Fuselier (1933 MS Biology) on her co-written article “Social and Rational: The Presentation of Nature of Science and the Uptake of Change in Evolution Textbooks,” which was published in Science Education. Linda is now assistant professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisville.

Congratulations to alumnus Dr. David Gillett (2002 MS Biology) on his co-written article “Fish and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Response to Removal of a Partially-Breached Lowhead Dam in a Southern Appalachian River,” which was published in River Research and Application. David is now associate professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at the University of North Carolina Asheville.

The Journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools recently published "Trailblazing Partnerships: Professional Development Schools in Partnership with Emporia State University" by Jill Jones, Sara Schwerdtfeger, Teddy Roop, Jennie L. Long — all from Emporia State’s Department of Elementary Education/Early Childhood/Special Education. The article mentioned techniques developed by Larry Lyman, a faculty member with 30 years in elementary education teaching preparation; Mike Morehead, formerly an ESU faculty member; and Harvey Foyle, faculty emeritus. Matt Seimears, chair of the Department of Elementary Education/Early Childhood/Special Education, serves as a reviewer for this journal, but was not the reviewer for this article.

The book proposal by Brendan Fay, SLIM assistant professor, with a tentative title of “Classical Music in Weimar Germany: Culture and Politics before the Third Reich” has been accepted for publication.



Emporia State University’s outstanding master of arts graduate program in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages program completers presented at the Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference in Kansas City, Missouri:

  • Mary Casey presented “Secondary Newcomer Program: A Bridge to Nowhere.”
  • Cara Codney presented “Understanding and Responding to Assertive Forms of Communication.”
  • Rihab Mousa co-presented with Dr. Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui on “Engaging ELs in STEM via CALLT: An Innovative Critical Approach.”
  • Dr. Abdelilah Salim Sehlaoui co-presented with Dr. Nancy Albrecht on “Documenting the Impact of Teaching on Students’ Learning in TESOL Teacher Education.”

Dr. Rachel Spaulding, assistant professor of Spanish and ethnic literature, presented with her student-mentee, Sarah Spoon, at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language conference. They presented “The Folly of Luis Solér y las Balsas: Eighteenth Century Spanish Racism.”

Dr. Katherine Daily O’Meara, assistant professor and director of composition in the Department of English, Modern Languages and Journalism, will present this week at the 2016 Symposium on Second Language Writing. Her presentation is “Surviving the Academic Job Market as an L2 Writing Specialist: An SSLW Institute” and “There Will Be Snacks, and Other Expertise in Multilingual FYC Teacher Training Practica”

Dr. Anna Catterson, coordinator of educational technology in Information Technology, is speaking today as the keynote for the Business and Professional Women organization in Chanute, Kansas. She is speaking on active learning and 3D printing and has a 3D printer and scanner for demonstrations.

Dr. Melissa Briggs, assistant professor in the Department of Counselor Education, presented at the Association for Creativity in Counseling a ACA subdivision Conference in September 2016. 

Dr. Amanda Lickteig, Department of School Leadership / Middle and Secondary Teacher Education, presented "Developing New Literacies Lessons for the 21st Century Classroom" at the Kansas Reading Association Conference October 3, 2016 in Ottawa, Kansas.

Dr. Paul E. Luebbers, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, and student Megan George will present “Comparison of Heart Rate Recovery Times among Untrained, Recreationally-trained, and Athletically-trained College Students” at the American College of Sports Medicine Central States Regional Conference October 20-21 in Fayetteville, Arkansas.