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ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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Figure from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood Speaking at Emporia State

Homemade puppets. DIY Flowerpots. Wigs made of various materials. Paintings made with straws. These projects were that the “Art Lady” on television’s Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood showed children – and adults – how to create.

The woman guiding Mr. Rogers in these activities was Judy Rubin, who – it turns out – is a nationally-recognized art therapist. She is coming to Emporia State University and will speak at the 43rd Annual Art Therapy Discover Day on Sunday, March 12 at Emporia State University.

“The ESU Art Therapy Program faculty and students are delighted that Dr. Rubin is returning to Emporia after more than 12 years,” said Dr. Gaelynn Wolf Bordonaro, associate professor and director of Emporia State’s art therapy program. “It is always exciting when students have the opportunity to meet pioneers in the field and authors of their textbooks. Dr. Rubin’s experiences as an art therapist, psychologist, art therapy educator, and documentary film maker have helped shaped the profession and inspire a new generation of art therapists.”

Another featured guest speaker during the Discovery Day will be Charles Anderson. He is a noted art therapist who began his career at the nationally known Menninger Clinic in Topeka in 1962. Soon after, Anderson was drafted into the US Army and, while stationed in Alaska, he began teaching classes in ceramics, leather crafts, and photography. He returned to Topeka, worked at the Menninger Clinic until 2003, and has taught art therapy in the region for the last several years.

Cynthia Woodruff, Executive Director of the American Art Therapy Association, will be flying in from Washington, DC to be the luncheon speaker during Discovery Day.

Current professionals and students of all kinds, prospective art therapy students, and friends and family are welcome to attend the event. A schedule for the day and a registration form is located at www.emporia.edu/teach/ce/art-therapy/.

For art therapy and other mental health professionals, certificates of attendance for continuing education are available at no additional cost. Also, college academic credit for attendance and participation is being offered for an additional cost.

The registration fee for students is $30 if paid by March 2; for professionals and others the fee is $75. For registration postmarked after March 2 or at the door, the registration fees are $60 for students and $150 for professionals.

Rubin and Anderson will join other credentialed professionals to provide a quality program accessible to a variety of interest levels as well as being suitable for professional continuing education. During the final breakout session slot, prospective students will have the option to attend a faculty panel to ask questions about our academic program or art therapy as a career.

“There will be opportunities for networking and browsing the silent art and gift auction,” said Wolf Bordonaro. “All proceeds go to benefit a Robert Ault Scholarship, named for the art therapy pioneer who founded our degree program over 40 years ago.”

The Art Therapy Discovery Day is hosted by the Emporia State graduate art therapy program and the Student Art Therapy Organizations. The event will be held in Emporia State’s Memorial Union.