Emergency Notification/Timely Warning

ESU Alert: ESU closed Friday, Jan. 10, 2025, due to the weather; all activities cancelled. Be safe Hornets!

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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 | glarson1@emporia.edu

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The Teachers College

Two Teachers Achieve First-Time Certification

Dec. 21, 2016 The Teachers College

Two Kansas educators are among the more than 500 nationwide this year who achieved the highest professional credential they can earn — they attained first-time certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in 2016.

Kansas Teachers Achieve Certification

Dec. 20, 2016 The Teachers College

One hundred percent of the educators mentored through a program at Emporia State University in 2015-16 achieved the highest honor of the teaching profession — for a second time.

ESU Education Alumni Win Awards Trifecta

Dec. 11, 2016 The Teachers College

Alumni of The Teachers College at Emporia State have recently been named Superintendent of the Year, Kansas Teacher of the Year and School Counselor of the Year.

Erin Gruwell to Speak at ESU

Nov. 7, 2016 The Teachers College

A celebrated educator who helped her inner city high school students see a world outside their neighborhood will speak at Emporia State University Wednesday evening.

Professional Development Opportunities for Educators

Sept. 28, 2016 The Teachers College

Educators are being offered opportunities to increase their skill and knowledge through workshops and conferences provided this fall through The Teachers College at Emporia State University. Some events offered have graduate credit available.

School Districts Benefit from Mobilizing Literacy Launch

June 29, 2016 The Teachers College

Students from preschool to third grade in 11 Kansas school districts will benefit from the new Mobilizing Literacy program at Emporia State University. The program, created by The Teachers College with a grant from the Walter S. and Evan C. Jones Testamentary Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee, focuses on children from birth through age 8 living in Coffey, Lyon and Osage counties.