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Emporia State University

Gwen Larson, Director of Media Relations
620-341-5528 |

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Remembering Jim Calvert

Aug. 25, 2020 Administration

Sadly, I must share with you that James Calvert, former professor in our physical sciences department, died Saturday. During his 32 years at Emporia State, Jim also served as President of the Faculty and interim department chair. Jim always worked for his students and their success.

Campus Closed August 11 for Power Repairs

Aug. 7, 2020 Administration

Emporia State University will be closed Tuesday, Aug. 11, to make needed repairs to the campus electrical system. During the closure — between 6 a.m. Aug. 11 to 6 a.m. Aug. 12 — the campus will have no power. All buildings will be closed and locked.

International Student Enrollment Restrictions Lifted

July 14, 2020 Administration

I am very pleased to tell you that the federal government today rescinded its guidance that would have forced Emporia State international students to leave the United States if we must move to remote classes. The guidance, originally issued July 6, was rescinded to resolve a federal lawsuit brought by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Update

June 10, 2020 Administration

I want to thank all who watched yesterday’s Town Hall in which I discussed our Fiscal Year 2021 budget. I also appreciated the thoughtful questions you asked.

ESU Hosts Humanity First Virtual Forum

June 3, 2020 Administration

Emporia State’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will host an open forum inspired by the events surrounding the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The virtual event is open to the larger community.

Responding to Social Injustice

June 1, 2020 Administration

A walk in the park, a jog through the neighborhood, a trip to the store — these are just a few of the everyday events that many of us take for granted. But for some members of Hornet Nation, even these everyday activities are frightening.

McKernan Named Director of ESU Facilities

March 31, 2020 Administration

An Emporia native, ESU alumnus and military veteran with more than 30 years of experience is the new Director of University Facilities at Emporia State. Bill McKernan has served as interim director since September 2019.

Campus Buzz From President Allison D. Garrett

Feb. 19, 2020 Administration

Dr. Jim Persinger, professor of psychology, and Kaylee Lacey, freshman pre-nursing major, were interviewed in November for NBC’s Today Show about parents using the Life360 app to keep track of their adult children. The finished package aired Jan. 7.