Suited for Success
A new collaboration with Dillard’s in Topeka and ESU’s School of Business and Career Services was featured in the Topeka Capital-Journal. Students in the program complete specific tasks to prepare them for the job search and, in return, receive a new interview suit from the department store.
Doubly Honored
Elaine Henry, former chair of the ESU Art Department received the Wyoming Governor's Art Award.She also received the Kansas Governor's Art Award while she was at ESU.
New Design
On January 21, Martin Luther King Day, the Nest got a new décor facelift. Studio E, a student-design collective, designed a new diversity and inclusion themeto help students see themselves here, which features global and regional figures that have had significant contributions and cultural representation. Welcome and goodbye wall wraps in different languages were added and three feature walls with global figures. There is also a wall which features eight recent alumni and their contributions on our campus and how to get involved in campus organizations.
Arts & Sciences
Last month, the ESU A Capella and Chamber Choirs, under the direction of Dr. Robert Ward and accompanied by Dr. Penelope Speedie and Dr. Scott Wichael, went on a recruiting tour to McPherson, Garden City and Dodge City high schools. They sang for the students at each school and represented ESU with aplomb! It was a delight to see ESU alum Olivia Henning at Garden City High School and observe her work!
As always, ESU Biology was well-represented at this year's Kansas Natural Resource Conferencein Manhattan, Kansas. Two faculty members, Drs. Alexis Powell and Bill Jensen, and 20 ESU students attended. Many alumni of ESU biology were also present, now employed as conservation professionals or educators in federal and state agencies, NOGs and universities.
Double congratulations to ESU biology undergrad, Dylan Osterhaus, who received both the Robert J. Robel Memorial Award and the Harold Klaassen Undergraduate Student Scholarship from the Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society,respectively. These awards are bestowed to outstanding students enrolled in wildlife/fisheries biology programs at Kansas universities.
Emporia State Track and Field teams took one championship and nine top five finishes at Bearcat Open in Maryville last weekend. The Hornet men's team got three top five placements while the women took one championship and five other top five spots.
Brianna Schmitz broke a 20-year-old recordduring the UCM Relays Multi-events. She set personal records in four of the five events. Schmitz performance earned her the MIAA Field Athlete of the Week honor on Feb. 5.
Koch Center
On Feb. 4, the Koch Center for Leadership & Ethics hosted Dr. J. Robert Subrick, associate professor of economics at James Madison University. Dr. Subrick presented his talk “Why the Left and Right are Wrong About Income Inequality” to a group of 63 students and faculty.
The Teachers College
Todd Roberts, instructor in elementary education / early childhood / special education, along with his Social Studies Methods students volunteered at the Kansas Food Bankin Wichita. Together, they packed 360 food boxes for Kansas elders and learning about Backpack for Kids program which provides weekend meals to over 6,000 students weekly.
Recreation students won the major award of best student attendance at the Kansas Recreation and Park Associationconference held in Hutchinson in February 5-7.
Pre-service teachers gathered January 31 to hear career advice from the 2019 Kansas Teachers of the Year team.
Library Science
Students in our Colorado cohort toured the Anythink Libraries Wright Farmsbranch in Thornton, Colorado, on January 19. Leading the tour was Pam Sandlian Smith, a Colorado SLIM alum, who is nationally recognized for her innovative work leading Anythink.
The Entrepreneur Challenge Meet & Greet was held on Jan. 29. Over 50 students took the opportunity to meet other students interested in competing in the Emporia Entrepreneur Challenge in hopes to form teams. Students have until Feb. 19 to submit their case summaries.
Ten new members were initiated into the Lambda Psi chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the honorary service organization for accounting, finance, and information systems majors on Jan. 31. New members are, from left: Bernesta Liburd, Elizabeth Ballenger, Charell Mayeske, Kirk Barnes, Emily Logback, Erin Zimmerman, Tucker Lee, James Howerton, and Seth Redel. Not picture is Kylie Foster. Current member, Tami Schaefer, is shown holding the chapter's banner.
Dr. Joyce Zhou performed on stage in Albert Taylor Hall during the Asian Spring Festival. Two business students, Yifang Hao and Martin Okonkwo, were emcees.
Todd Deck (Oregon MLS 2014) spoke at American Library Association Midwinter Conferenceabout the “Future Ready with the Library” project, in coordination with the Young Adult Library Services Association.
ESU biology students and faculty were represented in oral and poster presentation at the Kansas Natural Resource Conference(*indicates student presenters):
- Implementing Fall Burning to Control an Invasive Legume (Lespedeza cuneata), How Well Does It Work?*Alexander G. Barnes and Brenda Koerner
- Detecting the Invasive LegumeLespedeza cuneata Using Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles*Kelsey L. Porter and Brenda A. Koerner
- Diet of the Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) in Kansas lakes and rivers*Jennifer L. Buchanan, Alexis F. L. A. Powell, and Lynnette M. Sievert
- Delineating Distributions of Map Turtles (Graptemys spp.) in Kansas*Michael S. Mahr, Justin Autz, Jennifer L. Buchanan., Alexis F.L.A. Powell, Lynnette M. Sievert, David R. Edds, and J. Daren Riedle
- Effects of Parasitism on Stress Levels in Northern Watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon)*John Bellah and Lynnette Sievert
- The Effect of Temperature on Juvenile Pantherophis guttatus Prey-Handling Behavior*Jeffery Anderson Jr, Lynnette Sievert, and David A. Penning
- Seasonal Use of Riffles, Lateral Pools, and Non-Wadeable Deep Pools by Fishes in the Neosho River*Sam J. Schneider and David R. Edds
- Does Cattle Grazing and Landscape Configuration Affect Nest Success and Brood Parasitism of Birds in CRP Grasslands?*Heather M. Kraus, William E. Jensen, Mary Liz Jameson, Greg R. Houseman, and Molly M. Reichenborn
- Does Cattle Grazing or Plant Diversity Affect Bird Densities in CRP Grasslands?*Benjamin S. Wilson, William E. Jensen, Greg R. Houseman, Mary-Liz Jameson, and Molly M. Reichenborn
- Does Native Bee Community Composition Differ Between CRP Planting Practices?A.R. Morphew, M.L. Jameson, G.R. Houseman, W.E. Jensen, M.M. Reichenborn, and D.F. Watson
- Effect of Grazing and Planting Practice on CRP Vegetation Composition and Structure across Kansas*D. Fraser Watson, Gregory Houseman, Mary Liz Jameson, William Jensen, and Molly Reichenborn
- Distributional and Seasonal Activity Patterns of the Mudpuppy in Eastern Kansas*Justin Autz, Jennifer L. Buchanan, Michael S. Mahr, Alexis F. L. A. Powell, Lynnette M. Sievert, David R. Edds, and J. Daren Riedle
- Bait Preference of Riverine Turtles in Eastern Kansas*Michael S. Mahr, Justin Autz, Jennifer L. Buchanan, Alexis F. L. A. Powell, Lynnette M. Sievert, David R. Edds, and J. Daren Riedle
- A First Assessment of Microplastic Pollution Across the State of Kansas by University Introductory Biology Students: Comparing Water Column and Soil Microplastic Density Among Different Water Body Types*Curtsi Sorell, Erika C. Martin
- Trends in Distribution of Plains Minnow (Hybognathus placitus) in Kansas from 1964 to 2017.Dylan O. Osterhaus and Erika C. Martin
Faculty from school leadership/middle and secondary teacher education wrote “When a Frontier Kansas Superintendent of Schools Caused a Lynching” published in Emporia State Research Studies, Volume 52, No. 2. Authors included Dr. Paul Bland, professor, Dr. Edwin Church, professor, Dr. Amanda Lickteig, assistant professor, and Dr. Mingchu Neal Luo, associate professor.
Dr. Joan Brewer, associate dean of The Teachers College and professor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, co-wrote “Impact of a Multisport Recreation Program on Fitness Markers of Youth” in the Journal of Physical Activity Research, 2019, Vol. 4, No. 1, 51-56.
Dr. Connie Phelps, professor in elementary education / early childhood / special education, co-wrote “Covert Aggression and Gifted Adolescent Girls” published in Emporia State Research Studies, Volume 52, No. 1.
Dr. Sonja Ezell, associate professor in elementary education / early childhood / special education, wrote “Combating Marginalization Through Diversity-Based Book Clubs” published in Emporia State Research Studies, Volume 52, No. 1.