Nine students from the Emporia State University chapter of Phi Beta Lambda won awards at the Kansas State Leadership Conference, with six of those students qualifying for the national conference in their events.
Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate level of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). It builds on communication, leadership, networking, and business skills for the future. All majors are welcome to join PBL. Emporia State students collectively placed 16 times at the competition. Six students who placed first or second place in their events qualified for the 2017 National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, in June.
As a member of Emporia State’s PBL, students can compete in over 50 events at the state and national level, help in various community service events, gain leadership skills and experience, apply classroom learning to a real-world setting, promote business to high school students and to the community, and can be trained to be the next line of leaders in any profession. For more information on Emporia State’s PBL Chapter, please go to
The students and their achievements are as follows:
- Brent Brammer, management, placed second in Human Resource Management, third in Hospitality Management and third in Social Media Campaign;
- Taylor Dunbar, nursing, placed third in Marketing Analysis & Decision Making;
- Brittany Gilliland, accounting, placed first in Accounting for Professionals, first in Marketing Concepts and second in Cost Accounting;
- Peyton Gould, accounting, placed second in Computer Applications and third in Impromptu Speaking;
- Carissa McAfee, management/marketing, placed first in Client Service, first in Public Speaking and third in Marketing Analysis & Decision Making;
- Grayce McAllister, business administration, placed second in Impromptu Speaking;
- Madison Orrange, accounting, placed first in Computer Applications and third in Social Media Campaign; and
- Maria Solis, accounting, placed third in Job Interview
In photo above, from left to right: Brittany Gilliland, Holly Clark, Madison Orrange, Peyton Gould, Brent Brammer, Maria Solis, Grayce McAllister, Taylor Dunbar (front), Carissa McAfee (back), James Willingham (Co-Advisor)