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Awards Announced for Research and Creativity

Dr. Jeffrey Muldoon, associate professor of business administration, will receive the 2019 President’s Award for Research and Creativity.

Muldoon is the 24th recipient of the award, established in 1996 to honor an ESU individual who has been active in research, scholarly activity or creative endeavors. The award includes $3,500 and a customized blown glass art piece.

A new award in 2019 is the Dr. Gary Bitter Research Award, which recognizes student and faculty collaboration. The first recipients are Dr. William Jensen, professor in the department of Biological Sciences, and Heather Kraus and Benjamin Wilson, both graduate research assistants.

Jensen will receive $3,000. Kraus and Wilson each will receive a $500 scholarship, and the Department of Biological Sciences will receive $1,000 for its enhancement fund.

Both awards will be presented during the award ceremony at Research and Creativity Day on April 24.

Approximately 200 students and faculty from Emporia State will participate in Research and Creativity Day. All events take place in the Memorial Union. Research and Creativity Day is sponsored by the Research and Grants Center, Honors College and the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Committee.

Events begin in the morning with oral presentations by undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate students will participate in the “Three Minute Thesis” event in the morning, the fifth year for this contest. The award and recognition luncheon will take place in the KSTC Ballroom and also will include the Phi Kappa Phi Awards for best abstracts, announcement of graduate student scholarships and awards, the ESU Summer Undergraduate Research Program Awards and recognition of faculty who received Faculty Research and Creativity awards.

Student and faculty will participate in the poster session in the afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. in Webb Hall. There are 131 poster exhibits this year, offering a wide variety of disciplines and topics. Attendees may vote for their favorite oral and poster presentation, and there will be cash prizes for the top People’s Choice awards.

There will also be a drawing for door prizes donated by Emporia merchants at 2:30 p.m. A complete list of presentations is available at www.emporia.edu/research.