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Free Campus Parking Launches at ESU

With students arriving this week for the fall 2024 semester, Emporia State University has rolled out its free parking pilot program effective immediately.

Under the program, students who live in the residence halls on campus will receive free green stickers for vehicles that allow them to park in designed areas near the halls during weekday business hours.

For the visitors to campus, as well as faculty, staff and students who live off campus, there are other spaces with limits to their use. These include gold parking spaces, accessible spaces that require an official disability permit on or in vehicles and 30-minute parking near Plumb Hall, Memorial Union and near residence halls for loading and unloading and dedicated spaces around specific buildings. All these areas have clearly visible signage, and violations will be ticketed.

The new program requires faculty, staff, and traveling non-resident students to have small parking stickers, free of charge, to help the university collect and track parking data for continual improvement of the pilot program.

“Our goals for this are pretty simple — to put money back in our students’ and employees’ pockets, and to make it easier for traveling students, community and visitors to be on campus,” said ESU Chief Operating Officer Cory Falldine. “I know it’s a change and not everything is going to be perfect, but we’re going to watch what works and what doesn’t, and we’ll adapt as we move forward.”

Information about ESU parking policies, including a map that shows all open parking shaded gray, is available online at